When it comes to construction sites, everyone has heard that there are two rules you should never break: don’t poke the bear and don’t go near the ground. These rules are meant to protect you from harmful bacteria that can be found on the ground and also keep you safe from injury or death. The ground at construction sites is considered contaminated because it is full of earth. This is why it is so important for the general contractor and their workers to create a safe work environment by following strict protocols around ground disturbances. Contaminated sites can also lead to fines and create liability issues for the contractor. So what types of ground disturbances are there? Here is a breakdown of each one so you know what to expect on your next job site:
Soil Sampling
Soil testing is the process of taking a sample of the soil at a construction site and analyzing it for any potential contamination. The results of this test may suggest that the soil is polluted with chemicals or toxins. This could be a sign that the soil was unclean when the site was dug, or that it was polluted by the construction process. Depending on the results of the soil sample test, the general contractor may be required to clean up the site or take additional precautions to prevent the contamination from spreading further. Some common methods of soil testing include digging a hole, taking a core sample, or using a trenching machine. However, keep in mind that if you sample and find contamination, it is your responsibility to clean it up.
Excavation is one of the most dangerous types of ground disturbances because it brings up soil that may contain harmful bacteria. Excavations are also one of the largest sources of dust that is inhaled by construction workers. This dust can contain several harmful substances including lead, asbestos, and silica.Excavations are usually done by professional excavators who use heavy equipment to dig up soil and expose the ground underneath. These excavations are often very large and can take up to several days to complete. Excavations are usually done at the beginning of a project to accommodate the construction schedule and are necessary for the installation of large materials such as buildings or roads.
Dump Truck Dumping
Dump trucks are commonly used to remove waste materials from construction sites. However, some dump trucks have been known to dump materials in an unregulated way, exposing the surrounding soil and air to harmful levels of dust. Dump trucks are a common source of dust, and unregulated dump trucks often have no safety features to protect nearby workers and the environment.There are several ways to regulate dump truck dumping. First, make sure you are working with a permitted waste management company. This will ensure that the waste is being disposed of in a safe and legal manner. Next, you can put a dust collector on the dump truck to reduce the amount of dust being released into the air.
Miscellaneous Ground Disturbances
There are many other types of ground disturbances that you may encounter in the course of your job as a general contractor. For example, construction workers may be required to dig trenches for utility lines. Trenching is a dangerous job that can expose workers to the risk of injury from falling objects and equipment.Other types of ground disturbances that are commonly used in construction include sand or gravel laying, trenching for pipelines, and grading operations. All of these operations can expose workers to dust and other harmful substances, so you must take proper precautions to protect your employees and your property.
Ground disturbances are a common part of any construction project, but they can be dangerous to workers and pollute the surrounding soil. It is important that you take proper precautions to protect your employees and the environment when working with ground disturbances. A good way to do this is by following a strict site safety plan.