When you own property you also inherit the responsibility of maintaining it. There are many things you have to do in and around your property, from mowing the lawn to shoveling snow. While these tasks are necessary, they can also be strenuous and cause a lot of stress. If you don’t take proper precautions while doing these activities, you can damage your property or yourself. This is why it’s important to know how to handle these tasks properly before digging in. Ground disturbances are messy and can be dangerous if not done properly. However, if you are careful and follow these tips, you won’t have any problems.

Plan ahead

Before you begin any type of ground disturbance, you have to plan everything out. This includes choosing the right tools, the right people for the job, and the right time of year to do it. You should also get the proper permits for excavating on private property. You don’t want to dig up a gas line or an underground water line. You also don’t want to disturb a septic tank.If you don’t have permits or you don’t plan ahead, you could end up causing damage to your property. This could lead to hefty fines for violating city or county ordinances. You don’t want to risk that. Planning ahead is the best way to avoid mistakes and get your work done quickly and efficiently.

Train everyone on the team properly

When you are doing ground disturbances, you have to be careful about the team you have out there. You can’t just throw anyone out there with a shovel and expect them to know what they are doing. You have to train them properly and make sure they are equipped with the right safety gear.If you are working with a team, you also have to make sure they are experienced enough to handle the job. You don’t want to put inexperienced people in charge of digging a trench. They could get injured or cause damage to your property. You also don’t want to have someone who is not trained digging in a trench that could be filled with hazardous materials. You don’t want them to get hurt or exposed to toxic substances.

Watch your footing

When you are digging in the ground, you have to watch your footing. If you are digging in a muddy area, you could trip and fall. You could also get stuck in the mud. This could cause you to miss a deadline or have to stop working. It could also end up costing you a lot of money. You don’t want to be dealing with injuries and a messy cleanup. You want to make sure the work gets done in a timely manner.If you are out there digging in the ground, you have to be extra careful. You have to be aware of the mud and other hazards. You have to keep an eye out for hidden hazards like roots and stumps. You also have to make sure you are wearing the right footwear for the job. This could save you from a nasty injury.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

If you are doing a large, complex project, you might not be able to do it all by yourself. You might have to hire someone to help you. If you are digging in the ground, you might have to hire an excavation contractor or a backhoe operator.If you are doing a smaller project, you might be able to do it all by yourself. You just have to be careful not to get overzealous. This is especially true if you are a first-time digger. You don’t want to do something you aren’t properly trained for. You also don’t want to injure yourself. If you start feeling tired or run down, you should stop and take a break.


Ground disturbances are messy and dangerous. You can avoid mistakes by planning ahead, training your team properly, and watching your footing. If you are doing a large, complex project, you might have to hire someone to help you. If you are doing a smaller project, you might be able to do it all by yourself. You just have to be careful not to get overzealous.